Hexfloog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hexfloog/art/Princess-Luna-Paper-Art-Vector-602491231Hexfloog

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Princess Luna [Paper Art Vector]



I've long lost the preliminary sketch to the paper art counterpart (fav.me/d5lnfby) of this piece, so I decided to redo it in a pseudo-draw-this-again kind of way...  Used it as an opportunity to play with glow and magic effects in Illustrator, which I'm really quite happy with : )  I'll definitely be trying more pieces with magic, now, because they're loads of fun to create and the result is rewarding enough.

Image size
4370x4090px 682.53 KB
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Fairy-Slayer's avatar
I'm a little late to the game, but I just came across equumamici's animated version. It's clear to see why the inspiration to animate this gorgeous and evocative piece. You did a fantastic job on her form and created quite a powerful, awe-inspiring mood with the pose, the eyes, horn, etc. That stern glowy-eyed look rocks, and the effects all around look great, down to her accessories. Thanks so much for sharing this, plus the awesome original paper piece too.